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Study 3: Discovery of the novel functions of Tyrosine Kinase 2 (TYK2).
生体における慢性化した炎症反応ががん・自己免疫疾患・生活習慣病を含むさまざまな疾患発症と密接な関連をもつことが近年注目されており炎症反応制御の根底にある分子機構の理解は重要です。わたしたちは炎症反応におけるTyrosine kinase 2 (TYK2)の役割に着目しています。TYK2はJAKファミリーに属する非受容体型チロシンキナーゼであり、IL-12、IL-23、IFN-alpha等のサイトカイン受容体に会合し、それら受容体下流の細胞内シグナル伝達活性化を仲介する役割をもちます。これによりヘルパーT細胞分画の分化の方向付けや、ナチュラルキラー細胞からのIFN-gamma産生などに役割をもつことが現在までに判明しており、ウイルスや細菌など外来抗原に対する防御応答において重要なタンパクであることが明らかとされてきました。
また近年ヒト疾患の原因遺伝子同定を志向したゲノムワイド関連解析の結果が多数報告されている中、TYK2のアミノ酸置換を伴う一塩基多型 (SNP)が、全身性エリテマトーデス、多発性硬化症、1型糖尿病の疾患感受性に影響することも報告され、ヒトTYK2遺伝子のSNPが持続的炎症を伴う自己免疫疾患の発症頻度と関連することが示唆されています。
A key focus of interest has been the close relationship between chronic inflammatory responses in living organisms and the development of diseases including cancer, autoimmune diseases, and lifestyle-related diseases, as well as understanding the molecular mechanism underlying the regulation of the inflammatory response. Our focus is the role of TYK2 in inflammatory response. TYK2 is a non-receptor type tyrosine kinase that belongs to the JAK family. It binds to IL-12, IL-23, and interferon (IFN)-α cytokine receptors and mediates activation of intracellular signaling pathways. These characteristics are associated with Th cell differentiation and IFN-γ production from natural killer cells. TYK2 is considered an important protein for defense responses to viruses, bacteria, and other foreign antigens. It is involved in the signaling of many cytokines including IL-6, IL-12, IL-10, IL-23, and IFN-α/β. However, in contrast to JAK1 and JAK2, where gene-deficient mice exhibit a lethal phenotype, or JAK3 gene-deficient mice that exhibit immunodeficiency, TYK2-deficient mice do not have clear abnormalities in birth or growth, and the phenotype is associated with early identification of partial IL-12 and IFN-signaling control. However, in 2006, a case was reported in which human TYK2 deficiency was the cause of the autosomal recessive hyper IgE syndrome. As abnormalities of cytokine signaling involving TYK2 were found to cause immunodeficiency in humans, the contribution of TYK2 to the human immune system is considered larger than that in the murine immune system. However, the molecular mechanism for TYK2 involvement in the regulation of human disease development is not clear.
To identify a novel physiological role of TYK2, we have studied an experimental disease model using TYK2-gene-deficient mice. Thus, we discovered that TYK2 is involved in a number of animal disease models that accompany ongoing inflammation, including delayed hypersensitivity, psoriasiform dermatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and arthritis. These results suggest the the physiological role of TYK2 is more diverse than was anticipated based on previously available study results.
We think that further investigation of the mechanism that facilitates TYK2-mediated inflammatory diseases will reveal a novel physiological role of TYK2 and therapeutic potential of TYK2 inhibition in human diseases. The Figure below shows the signaling pathways of TYK2-mediated cytokines and the effects of TYK2 in an experimental model of rheumatoid arthritis.
Study 4: Investigation of molecular mechanisms in mast cell/basophil activation and identification of new therapeutic candidates for allergy.
FcεRIはIgEとの結合に関わるα鎖、細胞シグナル調節に関わるβ鎖およびγ鎖より構成されています。FcεRIが架橋されるとSrcファミリーチロシンリン酸化酵素Lynによりβ鎖およびγ鎖に存在する免疫受容体チロシン活性化モチーフ (Immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif: ITAM)中のチロシン残基がリン酸化され、Lynおよび他のチロシンリン酸化酵素Sykが受容体に集積し下流シグナルが誘導されます。一連のマスト細胞シグナル伝達には、リン酸化酵素のみならず様々な細胞内アダプター分子が重要な役割を担っています。
Allergy (Greek allo “other, strange” + ergon “activity) is an abnormal immune reaction of body. Allergic disorders include bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis and pollinosis. Also, food allergy is a food allergen-induced anaphylaxis – a life-threatening allergic reaction - and a public health issue with significant increased number of patients in the past decade. Therefore, it is needed to deal with permanent cure for the allergic diseases.
The concept of “Allergy” was initially introduced by Dr. von Pirquet in 1906. In 1996, Drs. Ishizaka discovered the reagin, which recently calls “IgE”, for one of immunoglobulins to be involved in allergic reactions.
Mast cell and Basophil (MC/Basophil) express high-affinity IgE receptor (FcεRI) on their surface. When antigen-specific IgE-bound FcεRI on MC/Basophil is aggregated by multivalent antigens, the MC/Basophil are activated. After activation, MC/Basophil release/produce chemical mediators (histamine and serotonin), proteases, lipid mediators (prostaglandin and leukotriene) and cytokines/chemokines, resulting in increased vascular permeability, bronchial smooth muscle contraction, increased mucus production, immune cell infiltration, decreased blood pressure and anaphylaxis. Therefore, it is important to figure out the detail mechanisms of MC/Basophil activation for generation of new allergic therapy/medicine.
FcεRI consists of an IgE-binding α subunit, a signal-modulating β subunit and two signal-generating γ subunits. Aggregation of IgE-bound FcεRI by multivalent antigen results in activation of Lyn, a Src family tyrosine kinase. Lyn phosphorylates tyrosine residues within Immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) in β and γ chains. This phosphorylation leads to the recruitment of Lyn to the β chain and a protein tyrosine kinase (PTK), Syk, to the γ chain. Then other PTKs are recruited to the receptor complex to activate several signaling pathway. Several adaptor proteins are also recruited to the complex and required for FcεRI-dependent signal transduction in MC/Basophil upon stimulation.
STAP family consists of two members, STAP-1 and STAP-2. STAP-2, cloned in 2003, is an important adaptor molecule to regulate STAT3-mediated signaling pathway as shown in Study 2. We have also reported that STAP-2 negatively regulates FcεRI-dependent signal transduction in MCs using STAP-2-overexpressing RBL-2H3 cells and STAP-2-deficient bone marrow-derived cultured mast cells. Recently, we have reported that STAP-2 positively regulates FcεRI-dependent signal transduction in basophils. However, we have several questions: 1) How to control negative/positive regulation of FcεRI signaling by STAP-2 in MC/basophil. 2) Role of STAP-2 for allergic diseases. 3) Functional role of STAP-1 in FcεRI-mediated MC/basophil activation as well as pathogenesis of allergic diseases. 4) Effect of STAP-1 and STAP-2 on antibody, especially antigen-specific IgE, production in B cells. We are studying to figure out detailed contributions of STAP-1 and STAP-2 to allergic reactions as well as to find new candidates of signal molecules for treatment of allergic diseases.