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Manipulating the immune response by controlling signal transduction to fight autoimmune diseases, infection and cancer
哺乳動物ではJAK1,JAK2,JAK3、TYK2といった4種のJAKキナーゼファミリー蛋白が存在し、STATファミリー蛋白にはSTAT1, STAT2, STAT3, STAT4, STAT5A, STAT5B, STAT6の7種が知られています。1990年代初めに同定されたJAK/STATシグナル伝達系も現在ではJAK およびSTATに対する様々な制御蛋白群や、他のシグナル伝達系により調節を受けていることが明らかにされています。そのため、これら制御蛋白の変異や欠損は、種々の疾患として発症することも明らかになっています。
サイトカインの異常産生やシグナル異常はアレルギーや自己免疫など種々の免疫疾患だけでなく、癌を始めとする種々の病気の発症に深く関わっています。私たちはこのようなサイトカインのシグナル伝達系の制御機構を詳細に解析し、新たな創薬ターゲットを発見し、病気の発症を人為的に制御することを目的として研究を進めています。 図には種々のサイトカインとJAK/STATシグナル伝達系の概要を示しています。
Various types of cells receive numerous types of information from the external environment that induce proliferation and terminal differentiation. Cells that undergo final differentiation are also affected by extracellular signals and become responsible for certain functions in tissues and organs. Examples of these intracellular messengers are cytokines, growth factors, hormones, and groups of adhesion molecules. Cytokines are a group of protein molecules responsible for relatively focal intracellular communication and their target cells are similar to the cytokine-producing cells. They generally affect various types of cells and exhibit different activities depending on the target cell (pleiotropy). They are also characterized by redundancy, i.e., one type of cell can exhibit the same function in response to stimuli from different cytokines. Crosstalk among cytokine signaling pathways that strictly control cellular proliferation, differentiation, death, and coordination of different groups of cells under balanced cytokine activities is very important for living organisms to maintain high-order functions in the nervous, immune, and endocrine systems.
Cytokine signals: When cytokines bind to cytokine receptors found on the surface of the target cells, intracellular signaling pathways are activated and intracellular messaging occurs, which induces expression of the target gene. In particular, the JAK/STAT signaling pathway is the main intracellular signaling pathways for cytokines. In these pathways, JAK protein tyrosine kinase that is constantly bound to receptors is involved in tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT transcription factor proteins, the main substrate. Phosphorylated STAT proteins move into the nucleus and induce activation of target gene transcription. Mammals have four families of JAK kinase proteins (i.e., JAK1, JAK2, JAK3, and TYK2) as well as seven families of STAT proteins (i.e., STAT1, STAT2, STAT3, STAT4, STAT5A, STAT5B, and STAT6). The JAK/STAT signaling pathway discovered in the early 1990s is now known to be regulated by various proteins controlling JAK and STAT. In addition, mutation and deficiency of these control proteins have been demonstrated to trigger various diseases. Abnormal cytokine production and signaling are strongly associated with various immunological diseases such as allergy and autoimmune diseases, as well as the development of cancer and other diseases. We have thoroughly analyzed the control mechanisms of cytokine signaling pathways with the aim of discovering a novel pharmacotherapeutic target to control the development of cancer and immunological diseases. The figure 1 below shows activation of the JAK/STAT signaling pathways by various cytokines.