ERCCP 北海道大学 臨床薬学教育研究センター

センター長挨拶/Massage from the director


センター長・教授小林 正紀

Masaki Kobayashi, Ph.D.

Director, Education Research Center for Clinical Pharmacy
Professor, Laboratory of Clinical Pharmaceutics & Therapeutics


Education Research Center for Clinical Pharmacy (ERCCP) aims to train leading or special pharmacists correspond to advanced pharmacy affaires. The task of ERCCP is enhancement of research & education system after the reform of pharmaceutical science education system, 2005, in Japan. New methods of education for pharmacists and evaluation methods will be established. To establish excellent quality education for bachelor, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical sciences, Hokkaido University consults on front line research and education. The Graduate School of Pharmaceutical sciences is also recruiting students who aims at the pharmacist and the pharmaceutical researcher who guides a domestic & foreign clinical pharmacy practices. ERCCP should have a role the function as the base of a clinical research including joint researches with other facilities with Hokkaido University.

〒060-0812 札幌市北区北12条西6丁目
北海道大学 大学院薬学研究院 臨床薬学教育研究センター
Education Research Center for Clinical Pharmacy,Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University, Nishi 6, Kita 12, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0812 JAPAN
Copyright (C) 2010 Education Research Center for Clinical Pharmacy. All Rights Reserved.