北海道大学大学院薬学研究院 医療薬学部門 医療薬学分野
薬理学研究室へようこそ Welcome to Department of Pharmacology,
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University!


In our laboratory, we analyze the mechanisms of mental and affective disorders using various experimental techniques, such as behavioral and electrophysiological experimental techniques. We hope to provide valuable information for the development of therapeutic drugs and open new avenues for therapeutic treatment.

やる気のある学生募集!!We are seeking enthusiastic students to join us!


Come and you’ll see that Department of Pharmacology is a bright and fun place to be.
You don’t need prior experience, so come and join us and you’ll find yourself surrounded by friends in no time. With your help we can grow as a team!

重要なお知らせ Information